Friday, December 18, 2009

OUR 1st Family Vacation!! Gatlinburg, TN

Well we finally got to take a family vacation, the first one in our 5 year marriage. We had a Great Time. It was Cold, yet very scenic. We cant wait to go back. Here are just some of the pics I FINALLY GOT DOWNLOADED. Ass For my Melt down, well what can I say, Vacation in a Scenic place with no kitchenette, only a microwave, is not easy to eat just Raw. Besides this is the South, Pancakes, and Fried Chicken on every corner. But Since being back home, I am in full swing of the raw eating again, and LOVING it. I have managed to lose 20 LBS, and keep that off so far, So not doing too bad. Will keep you all posted on when I lose more.

Enjoy our pics.

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